Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Parachute Part

Just a backup

The Parachute!
                The Technology
Probably everyone does not know how to make a real parachute. Everyone thinks anything that has lots of drag works as a parachute. Not us. We made a parachute that actually works. It’s round so there is equal air distribution. If it is square, the corners will be weak spots and the parachute will fail. There is a hole in the middle, It will actually help the parachute. The hole makes the parachute more balanced by letting air escape straight in one direction. If there is no hole, air would escape through the sides and the parachute would flop everywhere. Almost no drag is lost with this hole. Each of the strings are double knotted on the parachute and secured with a piece of tape just in case. Each knot is used with seven centimeters of string so all the remaining string lengths are alike. The parachute is connected to the central part of the egg base so there is equal balance. The special part of the parachute is that no matter how high you drop it with the egg base, it always stays at a speed under one meter a second.  Your egg is guaranteed to survive with this bonus parachute.